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Susans was a gorge girl who was only in her late 20s in the 1900s all the men wanted her all the girls wanted to be her. Susan was the life of the party tell she wasn't on late at night a couple was walking down the street when they saw a figure laying in a dark ally the couple walked into the ally to find a woman with her face sliced and blood coming from her tear dukes the woman screamed the man covered her face and yelled for help the police officer down the street heard the commotion and came to look and was horrified from the seen that laid before him this was the first of many bodies to be laid by the midnight angel. A short 3 days later another 2 bodies were found chopped up  faces and bloody tears. meanwhile, Susan unaware that the killer had picked her for his next masterpiece was dancing the night away, about 1130 came around and she decided she was ready to head out when a dashing man came up to her with a drink a red rose and a smile no woman could turn away they carried on a conversation for about 20 min when he asked her back to his place Susan played it cool but was excited. Little did she know that her life was about to forever change she left with the man to only make it down the street when everything went blurry she felt wetness hit her checks she wiped her eyes to see blood she looked up at the man with his cold smile he said I've chosen you as my next master piece.     


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