Rose was born in 1702 in Paris, France during the great rise of The Opera and a mere 3 decades after the opening of King Louis XIV's Royale Academy of Dance. Rose loved The Opera and the beautiful dancers who performed in the productions. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina from a young age. Being fortunate enough to be born into a family affluent enough to afford dance lessons for her, she began dancing at the age of 12. She was a stunning dancer of incredible natural talent and intense passion. By the time she was 18, she had been invited to join the Royal Academy of Dance. She quickly rose to fame, both by way of her skills as a dancer, as well as her incredible beauty. She had achieved her dream of becoming a famed Ballerina as the world fell in love with her. In her childlike innocence through the pursuit of her greatest desire, she was unaware there was another dancer who had also hoped of becoming a legend within the world of The Opera. Chloe had been training since she was 8 years old and was 2 years older than Rose. Chloe was angry that this child had come along and taken her place at the Royal Academy of Dance when she had worked far harder for that position, and female dancers were still quite few. Chloe was also involved with a man named Theo who had been a part of the dance troupe in The Royal Academy from the time he was 16 and was also now, rising to fame himself. She thought she had her way in through him. So, after talking with Theo, and aquiring his reluctant assistance, Cloe formed a plan to rid the Opera of Rose, leaving an open position for herself.... Rose, being the innocent soul she was, took no notice of the well hidden romance of her crush, Theo. One day, after Theo had seemingly, never once, looked her way, Theo begins pursuing a romantic relationship with her. But Rose is reluctant as dancing was her life and love first. After several months of pursuit, Rose begins to give in and her and Theo quickly became the star pairing within every performance. Cloe was beside herself with rage. Even if her plan succeeded now, she would always be in Rose's shadow. It should have been her up there making everyone swoon with her talents, Theo at her side! Little did she know, Theo was falling for Rose. He loved her innocence, kindness, her drive, and her passion for dance. He began to see Chloe's plan as the jealousy fueled nightmare that it was. Soon after, his reluctance in his part in her plan becomes defiance and rejection. Theo announces that he will not follow through with her plan, and is in fact, through with Chloe entirely. In a fit of rage, Chloe searches for Rose with murderous intent, but Theo had taken Rose somewhere safe, out of reach of Chloe's grapsing, cruel clutches. After nearly a year of performances without sight or word of Chloe, who seemed to have entirely disappeared, even from the world of dance, Theo and Rose assumed she had traveled elsewhere to fulfill her own dreams and they decided to move on with their lives together. Theo and Rose made their love official to the world and became the greatest love story of the time. People would come for miles to see the two lovers perform in stunning productions of incredible passions. On the night of their 10th and final performance of their most popular work yet, Rose receives a bottle of sweet purple red wine along with other beautiful gifts. Its note read "Please enjoy this lovely wine, for it is my pleasure to see you smile!". It was unsigned. It was not uncommon for her to receive gifts from her captured fans. Shortly before their biggest part to play in the performance, during her break, Rose opens the bottle and pours herself a glass. She sips the sweet wine carefully so as not to stain her lips, while changing her costume. With her butterfly mask and white gown, she was now complete as the final form of the ethereal fairy who fell for a human, in the story they were acting out on the grand stage. She prepares herself back stage, and enters stage left in her light, sinuous way that took the breath of the audience. During the crowds enraptured silence at her otherwordly presence, her Theo emerges stage right. They move fluidly and beautifully, telling a tale of passion and desire, of forbidden love and lust. But, she begins feeling hot, too hot. She becomes dizzy and stumbles with great gasps from the audience, but continues anyway. Fighting her way through waves of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and extreme hot flashes, she finishes her final number, and falls into the arms of her lover, both in life and their beautifully told fairy tale, and dies. Theo sees she is hot, flushed, and her eyes are large, nearly black with the size of her pupils, and glittering beautifully. She looks so perfectly exquisite his heart nearly burt with emotion. Theo then sees she isn't breathing... Cloe had poisoned Rose with belladonna wine.... She had taken her last breath mere moments before her final step to him.... Chloe had gotten her
way. A great screaming cry flew from Theos lips as he vowed revenge for his love, accompanied by the clapping of the crowd, believing it a twist in the story. Realization falls over the crowd that it is not part of the performance, and they begin to keen and cry for the loss of such a perfect specimen of the soul of dance, and the adoring crowds eternal sweetheart. Rose has haunted the Royal Academy of Dance from the time of her death in 1725, shortly before her 23rd birthday, calling to and daring Chloe to set foot inside, for if she does, Rose will have her revenge. Alive or dead, Rose will never allow Chloe to perform on the Royal Opera Stage. She dances through the hallways, corridors, and even on the stage itself, a ghostly memory of life, in her fairy costume and butterfly mask, eyes black and glittering with barely contained rage, laughing with a deranged smile, singing for Chloe to come closer, to come to her and receive her punishment for stealing Rose's life and love. Vowing revenge eternally, she floats through the Academy, a permanent addition. Woe to anyone who enters now who resembles Rose's eternal enemy, for she is swift and ruthless... beware the Fairy Ballerina, for she is as terrifying as she is beautiful.
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